- Does Queens Lake have an HOA?
A: There is not an HOA for Queens Lake Development, however, there is a Community Association which acts more as a social club for the neighborhood. Queens Lake Community Association (QLCA), thru membership dues, maintains the community properties and hosts social events throughout the year. QLCA’s properties include the lake, marina, clubhouse, tennis courts, pools, playground, field and common areas. The Marina, Pools, and Lake Access require additional fees to the annual membership dues. Members of QLCA who live in Queens Lake volunteer their time to run the various committees which maintains the neighborhood amenities.
- Is membership in QLCA mandatory?
A: It depends. If your property has been deeded, then you are obligated to maintain your Deeded membership and pay annual dues. If your property is not deeded, you may elect to join QLCA as a Deeded member or Traditional member and pay annual dues to maintain membership in good standing. Likewise, if you are renting within the neighborhood, you may join as an Associate member and pay dues each year like other memberships. Here is a link to the membership application and the schedule of our annual fees:
- What are the differences in the types of membership for QLCA?
A: There are three types of membership to Queens Lake Community Association.
- You can become a Deeded Member by filling out the appropriate paperwork to deed along with the annual dues and transfer fee.
Deeded properties stay in membership and will always be members. If someone purchases your home the new homeowner will be deeded and is
required to pay yearly dues.
- You can become a Traditional Member by filling out the appropriate paperwork for Traditional membership along with a $1500 non-refundable stock
purchase fee and the annual dues payment. This type of membership does not transfer to the next homeowner.
- Lastly, there is the Associate Membership for those who are renting a home that is not in membership under the owner.
As a renter this enables you to be able to join QLCA and use the marina, lake, playgroud and/or pool facilities. This paperwork is also on the QLCA website.
Neighbors who live outside the Queens Lake neighborhood may join as Limited Members and will pay a higher rate to join the Pool and Marina.
- How do I know if a property is deeded or not?
A: The seller may have that information but if you are not sure please call or email the QLCA office at 757-229-0973 with the sellers address to check whether that address is in membership. Any home is welcome to join QLCA at any time.
- How do I contact someone in the QLCA office?
A: Office hours are 12-3 pm Monday, Wednesday, Friday (closed on holidays) which is located at 234 East Queens Drive, Williamsburg, VA. Messages and emails are answered during this time and our secretary is there to answer questions. You can reach the office by phone at 757-229-0973 or by email at qlca@queenslake.net.
- Do I need to join QLCA if I want to use the marina, playground, tennis courts, Clubhouse, pool or lake?
A: Yes, all these facilities are part of our membership and require additional fees in addition to annual dues. Tennis fees are now included in membership.
- If I live in Queens Lake and want to rent the Clubhouse am I able to do so?
A: In order to rent the club house, if you live in Queens Lake neighborhood you must be a member of the association. If you are a member of the association, you may rent the
clubhouse at the QL member rental rate.
- Is the Clubhouse available to rent if I don’t live in Queens Lake?
A: Yes. The
Clubhouse is available to rent for QLCA members as well as Non-Residents.
- Can anyone fish on the bridge or lake?
A: You will need to be a member of QLCA and have a valid VA Fishing License.
- Who maintains the lake?
A: Queens Lake Community Association Lake Committee is responsible for maintaining the lake and the health of the lake.
- The property I plan on purchasing has a dock on the lake, can I automatically use the lake? Or, I am purchasing a lakefront property that does not have a dock, can I put in a dock on the lake?
A: The Lake is QLCA property and maintained by QLCA member dues. If your property has a dock on Queens Lake you will need to be a member of QLCA. If you want to build a dock on the lake you will need to be a QLCA member and you will need to contact the Lake committee as well as the Queens Lake office to fill out the appropriate forms. You will also have contact York County if you are planning on building a dock on the lake.
- If I am not a member can I walk down to the marina, use the field or have my kids play on the playground?
A: All facilities under QLCA are for members only. Non-members are not permitted to be in those areas.
- Am I able to rent a slip at the Marina if I don’t live in the neighborhood?
A: Yes. Rentals for slips are available for members as well as non-residents.
- Can a Non-Member living in Queens Lake join QLCA?
A: Yes. A Non-member home is welcome to join at any time.